Our Services

Customized Software Development
to create solutions that fit your process.
We develop customized solutions together with your business in the field of medical image analysis and computer vision. The core algorithms of our solutions are based on open-source software that we maintain.
in medical image analysis and computer vision.
We provide consulting for innovation and software development in the field of medical image analysis and general computer vision. We have core expertise in statistical shape modeling, model-based image segmentation and face analysis.
Please contact us to evaluate if your project fits our expertise!


Shape Analysis and Automated Measurements
  • Automate measures based on anatomical locations.
  • Build statistical shape models.
  • Statistical comparisons to a shape population.
Interactive Segmentation

  • Robust, model-based segmentation.
  • Interact and correct with landmarks and drawing lines.
  • Fitting result can directly be used for shape measurements.
Prediction of Missing Parts

  • Predict missing parts based on shape statistics.
  • For various anatomies: For example long-bones, skull and face.
  • Application to personalized implants.
Implant Fitting Validation

  • How well does a plate match to a shape?
  • Find a well fitting position of your implant plate automatically.
  • Test the fitness of a plate on a population of shapes.
Complex Anatomy-Dependent Measurements
  • Automated extraction of information, predefined at anatomical regions.
  • Compare regions, analyse and track progress.
  • In this example: Bone density measurement at the joint region.
3D/2D Face and Head Analysis

  • Building statistical face models.
  • Registration and model-fitting.
  • 3D head analysis.
  • Analysis of shape and texture.
Please contact us if you are interested in a demo.

Our Values

Open-Source Software
We base our customized software solutions on core algorithms that are open-source. We maintain and support several open-source projects, which can be used for research, teaching and to develop software solutions for industry. We are all experts in this field, as well as for the open-source software environments.
  • Scalismo (Statistical Shape Modeling and Image Analysis)
  • Scalismo-Faces (Statistical Analysis of Face Portraits)
  • Scalismo-UI (Modular UI Solution for Scalismo)
Continued Research.
Our open-source frameworks are used by several research laboratories. This fosters a continuous research and improvement of our core algorithms. In particular, we have a strong collaboration with the Gravis research group, the main maintainer of Scalismo and Scalismo-faces.

About us

Shapemeans GmbH was founded in 2016 and is located in Basel, Switzerland. All four co-founders Ghazi Bouabene, Thomas Gerig and Marcel Lüthi and Andreas Morel-Forster are alumni of the Graphics and Vision ( Gravis ) research group at the University of Basel. The research focus of the co-founders is on methods to build statistical shape models of different anatomies and their use for medical image analysis and face analysis. The co-founders of Shapemeans are also actively involved in the development of the open source software solutions Scalismo and Scalismo-Faces. All members of the team have worked together in several projects over the last years and are a well-coordinated team.
Ghazi Bouabene, PhD
Managing Partner
Andreas Morel-Forster, PhD
Thomas Gerig, PhD
Marcel Lüthi, PhD

Our Customers

Rob Gathercole, PhD, Research Director at lululemon
Our partnership with Shapemeans enabled a new and powerful way of exploring how our product interacts with the body. Shapemeans were supremely knowledgeable and great to work with. Not only did they deliver the initial project, but they also provided continued support as we expanded our use of the technology.